The Cormologist

Monday, April 26, 2010

To those of you who think the this blog is dead

Your probably right - but I do plan to revive it.

I am now the proud father of 2 - Sophie and now Finn and they take up a lot of my time, well that and working to help Australian's become more energy efficient and produce their own power from Solar, Fuel Cells etc.

My plan is to write something once a month on the following:

1. Is Carbon Trading Dead?

2. Solar PV - is the most government subsidised technology ever really worth it?

3. Smart Grid - why they won't work in Australia without major structural reform

4. Electric Cars - Oil price of $100+ or bust?

5. Is Parenting the hardest job ever - yes it is but it is also very rewarding (in a masochistic kind of way)

And indisperse my worldly comments with some family photos and various cormologicisms.

Oh here is a shot of Finn and I.

Ciao for now.